Hello All,
As we prepare for the upcoming Extreme Heat, Our team has compiled CMIST preparedness articles for you all to utilize.
PLEASE BE SURE to Check in on your aging neighbors and help them stay cool!!!
Preparing for Extreme Heat
Tips and resources for individuals, families, and emergency managers to prepare for extreme heat hazards:
Common Extreme Heat Terms (National Weather Service)
Heat Forecast Tools (National Weather Service)
Current heat-related advisories and warnings (National Weather Service)
Maintaining Health and Medical
Health Impacts:
Who Is Most At Risk To Extreme Heat? (National Integrated Heat Health Information System)
Tips for People Who Take Medication: Coping With Hot Weather (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
How heat affects the mind (American Psychological Association)
Yes, heat can affect your brain and mood. Here’s why (National Public Radio)
Tips For Staying Cool:
CR's Ultimate Heat Survival Guide (Consumer Reports)
Heat and People without Air Conditioning (National Center for Environmental Health)
Hot weather sleeping tips when you don’t have AC (Health Partners)
Taking Care of Your Service Dog in Summer (National Service Animal Registry)
PowerOutage.us Map
Support Services and Safety
For community members:
Cooling Centers By State (National Center For Healthy Housing)
Need Help With Your Energy Bills? (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
For emergency managers, public health, and public officials:
Excessive Heat Events Guidebook (Environmental Protection Agency)
Taking Action: Building a More Resilient World (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Impacts of a Warming Planet in The Dialogue Journal (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Supplemental Research Bulletin: Climate Change and Behavioral Health (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Proposed Rule To Protect Indoor, Outdoor Workers From Extreme Heat (U.S. Department of Labor)
HUD Takes Action to Protect Families Against Extreme Heat (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Heat and Health Tracker (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Reporting on Heatwaves and the Health Impacts of Heat (World Health Organization)
HEAT.gov Tools & Information (National Integrated Heat Health Information System)
Auto Club Reminds Drivers To Take Precautions During Extreme Heat (Automobile Club of Southern California)
Tips to stay cool when using public transportation (Pima Association of Governments)
Want to Beat the Heat? 4 Tips From an Expert to Cool Your Train Commute (NBCUniversal Media)
Children, Pets, and Vehicles (National Weather Service)
They can also be found at the following link Preparing for Extreme Heat
Sadie Martinez
Access and Functional Needs Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management
Phone 720.852.6600 | Fax 720.852.6600 | Cell Phone 720.610.1691
9195 E Mineral Avenue, Suite 200, Centennial, CO 80112-3556
Our Mission is to lead and support Colorado’s effort to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond to and recover from all-hazard events.