From Justin Krall (Dept. of Wildlife)
July 30, 2024
CPW warns public to avoid toxic algae bloom in DeWeese Reservoir
WESTCLIFFE, Colo. – A growing bloom of toxic blue-green algae at DeWeese Reservoir State
Wildlife Area prompted Colorado Parks and Wildlife to warn the public to avoid contact with the
“Algae has become a seasonal problem at DeWeese, forcing CPW to close the water in recent
summers to all activity except fishing to prevent the risk of exposure to humans and their pets,”
said CPW District Wildlife Manager Justin Krall. “The algae can be harmful to people and pets if
touched. It can give sensitive people a bad rash, for example. And it’s possibly fatal if ingested.”
Signs are posted at the reservoir by CPW warning visitors to avoid the water and explaining the
danger of the algae blooms.
The signs warn people to keep kids and pets out of the water and to not drink the water at the
risk of death from the toxic algae. The signs also state that no water recreation including
swimming, skiing, paddle-boarding and wading is allowed.
If a person or their pet comes into contact with the algae, the signs urge them to shower
immediately with fresh, clean water.
The warning was prompted after testing found dangerous levels of toxicity in the water and
elevated levels of algae were observed in a turquoise-colored film on the reservoir.
“You can still fish during an algae bloom,” Krall said. “But there should be no skin-to-water
“It’s also important to take care when handling and cleaning any fish caught in DeWeese.
Toxins accumulate in the liver and guts of fish. So it’s important that any fish taken is properly
cleaned and thoroughly cooked before eating it.”
Algae blooms are common when temperatures rise, usually in late summer, he said. CPW has
been monitoring the reservoir closely, taking weekly water samples to check for elevated
DeWeese Reservoir SWA is a 300-acre property near Westcliffe with good fishing. Other forms
of recreation still allowed at the SWA include: picnicking, hiking, wildlife viewing and camping.
Algae are an important part of aquatic food webs, but some types of blue-green algae are
capable of producing toxins that may cause negative health impacts for humans and pets at
elevated concentrations. Currently there is no method to remove toxins from lakes.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) recommends the
Keep kids out
No pets in water
Do not drink water
Avoid contact with algae
If exposed, shower immediately
More information on blue-green algae is available on CDPHE’s website.
The public can help reduce the occurrence of blue-green algae blooms by preventing nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorus) from entering waterways through responsible use of lawn fertilizers,
picking up pet waste, and avoiding using deicers that contain urea.